第 97 课:giving and receiving 给与和接受 - 2

A: have you bought a present for jim's birthday yet?

B: no, I haven't. I can't think of anything to get him.

A: I'm having the same problem. I want to get something really special. Jim always seem to know exactly what to get people as gifts.

B: I know. He bought me that beautiful sweater for my birthday. It was exactly what I wanted. And it fit me perfectly!

A: he bought me an iron.

B: that doesn't sound like a great present.

A: maybe not, but my iron was getting old. In fact, it stopped working the week after jim bought me the new one. It's as if he knew that my old iron would soon stop working!

B: let's think. He loves football, doesn't he? I saw signed photographs of famous footballers in a shop near hear. Let's go and have a look. You know which team he supports, don't you?

A: yes, I do. Let's go. We should be able to find something suitable. We should get him something old…something historic.

B: it'll be an expensive present, but we can share the cost.

A: I'll be happy to get him something special, even if it coasts a little extra.
B: yes. He always get us special gift. We should repay his kindness.