第 27 课:Three Jokes 三个笑话

Joke 1 笑话一

At my job as a dental receptionist, I answered the phone and noticed on the caller-ID screen that the incoming call was from an auto-repair shop. 我是一个牙科诊所的接待员,工作时我接到一个电话,我注意到来电号码显示电话是从一个汽车修理店打来的。

The man on the line begged to see the dentist because of a painful tooth. 电话那头一个男人恳求看医生,因为他有一颗牙实在太疼了。

“Which side of your mouth hurts?” I asked the patient. He sighed and answered, “The passenger side.” “你哪边牙疼?”我问病人。他叹了口气说,“乘客座位那边。”

Joke 2 笑话二

When I was twenty-eight, I was teaching English to freshmen in a high school where occasionally the faculty and staff were allowed to dress down.我二十八岁时,在一所高中教新生英语,学校的教职员工偶尔可以穿着便装。

One of those days I wore a sweatshirt and slacks. A student came in and his eyes widened.一天,我穿着运动衫和休闲裤,一个学生进来了,他的眼睛一下瞪得老大。

“Wow!” he exclaimed. “You should wear clothes like that every day. You look twenty, maybe even thirty years younger!” “哇!”他大叫,“你应该每天都这样穿。你看起来年轻了二十,甚至三十岁!”

Joke 3 笑话三

Heavily laden with groceries, an old lady asked a young clerk at the grocery store to accompany her to her car. 有位老夫人买的东西太重了,她让杂货店里的一个年轻伙计帮她把东西搬上车。

Arriving there, she unlocked and opened the doors and, without thinking, sat down in the back seat to check off her list of errands.到了车边,老夫人打开车门就毫不犹豫地坐到后排座位上开始检查她的购货任务完成情况。

A moment later the perplexed clerk walked around the car to her.过了一会,困惑的伙计绕过车子走到她面前。

“Lady,” he said firmly. “I don't mind helping you load your groceries, but I really have to draw the line at driving you home.” “太太,”他坚决地说,“我不介意帮您搬东西,但我的确不能开车送您回家。”