第 36 课:Harriet Tubman and Underground Railroad 哈里特.图博门和地下铁路

Harriet Tubman was born around 1820 in the South of the United States. She was an African-American and a slave.哈里特.图博门约于1820年出生在美国南方。她是一个美国黑人,也是一个奴隶。

In those days in the South, African-Americans were slaves. 那时在南方,美国黑人都是奴隶。

People bought slaves to work in their houses, farms, and fields. Their masters bought and sold them like property. 人们买来奴隶,让他们在自己的家里、农场和田地里干活。他们的主人把他们像财产一样买卖。

When Harriet became a young woman, she wanted to be free. She wanted to escape to the North of the United States. Everyone in the North was free.当哈里特年轻时,她就向往自由。她想逃到美国北部去。在北方人人都是自由的。

Finally, Harriet Tubman escaped to the North on the Underground Railroad.最终,哈里特借助地下铁路逃到了北方。

The Underground Railroad was not a real railroad. It was a secret organization of people. These people helped slaves to escape.地下铁路不是真正的铁路。这是一个秘密组织,帮助奴隶逃跑。

At night, they took the slaves to a safe house. The slaves hid there.晚上,他们把奴隶带到安全的房子里,把奴隶藏在那里。

The next night, they took the slaves to the next house or “station” on the railroad.第二天晚上,他们把奴隶带到下一个房子,也就是铁路上的“站”。

The word underground can mean secret. This is why people called the organization the Underground Railroad.“地下”就是秘密的意思。这就是为什么人们把这个组织叫做地下铁路的原因。

When Harriet Tubman was free, she decided to help other slaves. She joined the Underground Railroad.当哈里特自由后,她决定帮助其他奴隶。她加入了地下铁路的组织。

Soon she became its leader. It was a very dangerous job. 很快她成为了组织的领袖。这是一个非常危险的工作。

She went back to the South time after time. She brought back slaves to freedom in the North. 她一次又一次地回到南方,把奴隶带到北方使他们获得自由。

Before Harriet Tubman died in 1913, she helped 300 slaves to escape.在哈里特1913年去世前,她共帮助了300个奴隶逃跑。

She helped these people begin new lives as free men and women. Today, Americans honour the name of this brave woman. 她帮助他们获得自由,开始新的生活。如今美国人仍非常尊敬这位勇敢的女性。