第 5 课:Three Jokes 笑话三则

Joke 1 笑话一

Co-workers sympathized with my mother when she complained that her back was really painful from moving furniture.当母亲抱怨她的背因搬动家具酸痛无比时,同事们都很同情她。

“Why don't you wait till your husband gets home?” someone asked.什么不等你丈夫回来呢?”有人问。

“I could,” my mother told the group, “but the couch is easier to move if he's not on it.” “你为“我是可以等的”,母亲说,“不过他不躺在上面时沙发床搬起来更容易些。”

Joke 2 笑话二

A fourth grader asked the teacher's assistant, “how old are you, Mrs. Glass?” “You should never ask an adult's age,” I broke in.一个四年级的学生问教师助理:“你几岁了,格拉丝女士?”“你不应该问一个成年人的年龄,”我打断说。

“That's okay.” Harriett smiled. “I'm fifty.” “Wow, you don't look that old,” the boy said.“这没关系,”哈里特笑着说。“我五十了。”“喔,您看起来不像那么老,”男孩说。

I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, “Parts of her do.” 我正准备松一口气,另一个孩子插话说,“有些部位已经像了。”

Joke 3 笑话三

My elderly neighbour and his wife were told there could be a 45-minute wait for a table at a popular restaurant as they had no reservations.我的上了年纪的邻居和他的妻子在一家生意很好的饭店被告知他们必须等四十五分钟,因为他们没有订位。

“Young man, we're both 90 years old,” he told the waiter, “we may not have 45 minutes.” They were seated immediately. “年轻人,我们俩都已经九十岁了,”他告诉服务员,“我们也许已经没有四十五分钟可等了。”他们立即被安排了座位。