第 50 课:Clothes 服装

These dayes most people in Britain and the USA do not wear very former clothes, but sometimes it is important to wear right thing.这些天很多英国人和美国人都没有穿以前的衣服,但是有时穿合适的服装是很重要的!

Many British people don't think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. 很多英国人不太在意穿着。只要穿着舒服就可以了。

When they go out to enjoy themselvies they can wear almost anything. 当他们出去玩时穿什么都可以。

At theaters, movie houses and concerts you can put on what you like, from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. 在剧院,电影院和音 乐厅,从优雅的外套和裙子到牛仔和羊毛衫,只要你喜欢穿什么都可以。

Anything goes as long as you look clean and tidy. 任何衣服都会穿的很长,只要你穿着干净得体。

However, In Britain as well as the USA, man and officers usually wear suits and ties and woman wear dresses and skirts,jackets and small trousers. 然而,在英国和美国,男人和办公人员通常穿外套打领带,女士穿女装和裙子,夹克和小裤子。

Docotors,lawyers and business people wear quite former clothes. 医生,律师和商业人员穿以前的衣服。

It's different to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the United State because everyone is different. 很难具体的说在英国和美国人们都穿什么因为每个人都不一样。

If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then do the same or ask the advice of your friend or your host. 如果你不确定穿什么,看看其他人怎么穿然后照他们的穿或者问问你朋友或家里人的意见。

You feel more relaxed if you don't look too different from anyone else. 如果你看上去和别人穿着一样你会感觉越放松。