第 69 课: Fast Food 快餐

Everyone is always in a hurry these days. No one has time to sit and enjoy a meal with a friend. 时下人们总是匆匆忙忙。没人有空坐下来和朋友一起享用一餐。

People want to eat now and they want to eat fast. The fast food industry tries to give them what they want, when they want it. 人们想要马上就吃并且要吃得快。快餐业尽量在人们需要时给他们提供想吃的食物。

It's an industry that's getting bigger all the time. 快餐业是一个一直在不断增长的行业。

The big names in American fast food are now well known all over the world. 餐业的巨头现在全球闻名。

McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King sell pizzas, chips, hot dogs, hamburgers and fried chicken from Los Angeles to London and Tokyo to Turin.美国快从洛杉矶到伦敦,从东京到都灵,都有麦当劳、肯德基和汉堡王出售匹萨饼、薯条、热狗、三明治和炸鸡块。

These multi-million dollar companies work hard to get more customers. 这些拥有上亿美元资产的公司努力吸引更多的顾客。

Colourful lights and TV advertisements are not enough. The waitresses wear special uniforms. There are lots of big mirrors and bright colours. 仅有多彩的霓虹和有趣的电视广告还不够,女招待需穿着特别的制服,还有许多大大的镜子和明亮的色彩。.

Many of the fast food restaurants have special offers for families, and do their best to attract children. Some even organize children's birthday parties. 许多快餐馆推出了面向家庭的特别服务,并竭尽全力吸引儿童。有些甚至为孩子组织生日聚会。

For busy mothers with no ideas and plenty of money, a birthday party at McDonald's can save a lot of time and trouble. 对没时间、没创意但有大把钱的母亲来说,在麦当劳过生日能节省不少时间和麻烦。

But you can't eat fast food all the time. Doctors say chips make you fat, and dentists say coca cola spoils your teeth. 不过你不能总吃快餐。医生说薯条会让你发胖,牙医也说可口可乐损坏牙齿。

It's the old, old story — everything that's nice is bad for you! 诱人的东西一定有害处!这是古训。