第 75 课:A Nicer Father 好父亲

Charlie Yates was seventeen years old, and although he had left school, he preferred living in his parents' house. 查理十七岁了。尽管已经从学校毕业,他还是赖在父母的房子里。

He wanted to find a job, but he never seemed to get one. His father wanted him to leave home, but his mother wanted him to stay. 他想找份工作,但好像从没找到。他的父亲想让他搬出去,但他的母亲想让他留下来。

Charlie did not wash his hair very often, he shaved once a week, and he could not stand wearing shoes, so his feet were always dirty. 查理.亚特不经常洗头,一周刮一次脸,而且他不能忍受穿鞋,所以脚总是很脏。

Mr. Yates sometimes saw his son at weekends, and then he was always angry with him. 亚特先生有时在周末看到儿子,然后他总是对儿子很生气。

He used to say to him: "Why don't you shave everyday? Who would give you a job with your dirty hair?" and so on. 他常常说:“你干吗不天天刮脸?头发那么脏,谁会雇你干活儿?”如此这般。

"But Father,'" Charlie always said, "I don't care about those things." “可是父亲,”查理总是回答,“我不在乎那些。”

One Saturday morning, while Charlie and his father were having their usual argument his father said to him, "You should be ashamed to live like that. I was brought up quite differently. 一个周六的早晨,在查理和父亲惯常的争论中,他的父亲说:“你应该为自己的生活感到羞耻。我受到的教养完全不同。

When I was seventeen, I was forbidden to stay out till three o'clock in the morning, and walk about the house with dirty feet, and grow a beard, and wear gold chains and behave like a ..." 当我十七岁时,不许在外呆到凌晨三点,不许脏脚四处走动,不许留胡子,不许戴金项链,不许举止像个……”

He went on and on until Charlie said kindly, "Poor Father. My grandfather died before I was born, so I never met him, but he must have been a terrible old gentleman." 他喋喋不休,直到查理很同情地说:“可怜的父亲。祖父在我出生前就去世了,所以也没见过他,但他肯定是个讨厌的老头子。”

"Not at all!" Mr. Yates objected angrily. "I had a much nicer father than you'll ever have!" “才不是呢!”亚特先生怒气冲冲的反驳,“我的父亲比你的父亲好得多!”