第 84 课:An Amateur Artist 业余艺术家

When Sebastian was at school, his favourite lesson was art, and he won several prizes because he was so good at painting. 塞巴斯蒂安在中学时,他最喜欢的课是艺术课,而且因为画的画相当不错,得过几次奖。

Once he left school, he got a position as a clerk in a bank, but three times a week he went to evening classes in art, and whenever he had time at the weekends, he painted. 一毕业,他就得到一个银行职员的工作,但仍然一周三次去夜校上艺术课,而且只要周末有时间就绘画。

After a few months he thought, "Perhaps I can sell some of my pictures and get enough money to leave the bank and become a real artist because I don"t like life at the bank. I only enjoy painting." 过了几个月,他想:“或许我可以卖掉一些画,挣到足够的钱就离开银行,做一个真正的艺术家,因为我不喜欢银行的工作,只喜爱绘画。”

In the bank, Sebastian sometimes had to deal with a man who owned a picture shop. Sebastian invited him to his home one evening to see some of his work. 在银行,塞巴斯蒂安有时处理一个画铺老板的业务,有天晚上,他邀请这个老板到家里看看自己的一些作品。

Sebastian took the man to his studio and started to show him some of his pictures, with some pride and hope. 塞巴斯蒂安把老板带到画室,带着自豪和希望向他展示几幅画。

The man looked at them one after another while Sebastian watched his face, but to Sebastian's disappointment the man did not say anything, and his expression did not change at any of them either. 老板一幅接一幅的看画,塞巴斯蒂安则观察着他的脸,但令人失望的是,老板什么也没说,他的表情也没因哪一幅画而改变。

Then, when he had finished, he looked around, and his glance fell on something else. 看完后,他四处望望,目光落在了其他地方。

A happy look came over his face for the first time, and he said, "Now I like this one very much! It's so full of deep feeling! I"m sure I could sell this one for you!" 脸上第一次有了满意的神情,然后他说:“现在我很喜欢这幅作品!它饱含如此强烈的情感!我保证给你卖出去!”

"That," said Sebastian "is the place where I clean the paint off my brushes." “那个,”塞巴斯蒂安说:“是我清洁画笔颜料的地方。”