第 6 课

To extend the overhang even further, 为延伸屋顶的飞檐部分
the Chinese devised a clever solution. 中国人发明了精巧的办法
The roof overhang is one end of a kind of see-saw. 飞檐是跷跷板的一端
Its weight is counterbalanced by the weight of the center of the roof, 跷跷板的另一端是屋顶中央 两者重量刚好抵销
at the other end of the see-saw, on the fulcrum of just one column. 屋顶中央的支轴只是一根柱子

This device, called an ang, lets one column to do the work of three, 这种用1根柱子 抵3根作用的设计称为昂
And makes the heavy tiled roof seem to float in mid-air. 使铺有沉重瓦片的屋顶 仿佛漂浮空中

Heavy roofs create what is known as 'shear stress' . 沉重的屋顶形成剪应力
The Europeans built ''flying buttresses'' to bear the enormous stress created by a cathedral dome. 欧洲人用飞扶壁 支撑教堂圆顶的庞大压力
The Chinese on the other hand used brackets at the joints of frames 中国人则运用梁柱间的托座
to carry this shear stress down through the brackets and columns into the ground. 透过托座和柱子 将剪应力传到地上

Increasingly complex bracketing accompanied ever larger, more complex multi-leveled roofs: 屋顶越大越多层,托座越复杂
which came in a myriad of shapes and sizes. 屋顶的形状和大小千奇百怪

A standardized system of architectural measurement was established in the year 1 1 03, 建筑测量的标准系统 订定于1103年
with the publication of Li Chieh's Methods and forms of architecture, 李诫出版的“营造法式”一书
a treatise adopted throughout the vast, yet centralized, empire. 在幅员广大中央集权的中国 被奉为圭臬

This book defined the basic units of measurement as standardized sizes of the duo gong bracket arms. 该书将斗口的尺寸界定为基本测量单位
Depending on the size of the bracket was determined the size of every other element in the building: 斗拱的大小则决定建物其他各部分的大小
such as the thickness and height of the columns. 如柱子的高度和粗细
This standard survived into modern times. 这套标准一直沿用到现代

These rules of Chinese architecture governed not only the construction of an individual buildings 中国建筑规则 不仅应用在建筑物上
but also the planning of the layout of a town, a temple, or a palace complex. 也用在城市,庙宇 或宫殿的规划

Ancient Chinese Shamans oriented buildings according to the dictates of feng shui, or wind and water,古中国道士依据风水决定房屋的方位
a way of determining mystical forces flowing through the earth. 风水是流动于天地间 各种神秘力量的法则
The principles of feng shui were turned into rules used to align man-made structures harmoniously 后来成为使人造建物 与天地间的气
with the currents of the earth's forces, known as chi. 和谐共存的规范原则