第 5 课

Ceramic production grew out of the technology used to fire these bronzes. 源自烧陶的技术 被运用来铸造青铜器

From clay moulds packed in earth would come richly detailed works of art. 以泥制模板烧铸精致繁复的 艺术杰作

Only a prosperous empire could muster the resources to produce such a huge amount of these expensive bronzes. 唯有繁荣的帝国 才能集中大量资源 铸造大批昂贵的青铜器皿

When the feudal empire established by the Shang collapsed in 77 1 BC, 公元前771年 商朝的封建帝国瓦解
China was fragmented into many different states. 中国分裂成许多邦国
Bronze vessels lost much of their significance as symbols of imperial power 青铜器不再是帝权的象征
and became too costly to produce. 昂贵的造价 也非小邦国可以负担

As a result, bronzes were replaced by ceramics as the sacred vessels of the Chinese. 因此,陶瓷取代青铜器 成了中国的神圣祭器

Ancient ritual bronzes like this wine cup were often copied in less costly and easier to produce ceramic. And the ceramic often reguired significance of the bronze original.'' 他们往往用较廉价 较易制作的陶瓷 复制樽等古青铜祭器 并取代青铜成为祭祀用品

To fire these early vessels in quantity, 为了大量烧制这些早期的器皿
the fabled 'dragon kiln' was born. 著名的龙窑于焉诞生
The dragon kiln got its name from the way it was constructed - 龙窑因其建造方式而得名
resting on the side of a hill like a 80 meter-long dragon. 80公尺长的窑 如长龙盘踞山腰

The enormous belly of this dragon kiln, could hold over 3,000 pots. 整座龙窑内 可以容纳3千只陶罐
This one, in Singapore, was the last one to have operated. 新加坡的这座 是最后一座现存龙窑

Working around the clock, skilled kiln masters could check the temperature of the kiln 熟练的匠师 全天候观察火焰的颜色
by observing the color of the flames. 藉此判断窑内的温度

By the time the flames died, 火头熄灭前
the dragon would have consumed an incredible six tons of firewood! 龙窑可能已吞噬了6吨木材