Lesson 59 Is that all?

LADY: I want some envelopes, please. 请给我拿几个信封。

SHOP ASSISTANT: Do you want the large size or the small size? 您要大号的还是小号的?

LADY: The large size, please. 请拿大号的。

LADY: Have you any writing paper? 您有信纸吗?

SHOP ASSISTANT: Yes, we have. 有。

SHOP ASSISTANT: I don't have any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad? 我没有小本的信纸,只有大本的。 您要一本吗?

LADY: Yes, please. 好,请拿一本。

LADY: And I want some black ink and some glue. 我还要些黑墨水和一些胶水。

SHOP ASSISTANT: A bottle of ink and a bottle of glue.一瓶墨水和一瓶胶水

LADY: And I want a large box of chalk, too. 我还要一大盒粉笔。

SHOP ASSISTANT: I only have small boxes. Do you want one? 我只有小盒的。您要一盒吗?

LADY: No, thank you. 不了,谢谢。

SHOP ASSISTANT: Is that all? 就要这些吗?

LADY: That's all, thank you. 就这些,谢谢。

SHOP ASSISTANT: What else do you want? 您还要什么吗?

LADY: I want my change. 我要找的零钱。

New Word and expressions 生词和短语

envelope n. 信封

writing paper 信纸

shop assistant 售货员

size n. 尺寸,尺码,大小

pad n. 信纸簿

glue n. 胶水

chalk n. 粉笔

change n. 零钱,找给的钱