第 17 课:我太紧张了

Mary: There's just one catch. Zina asked me to let you know. 只是有个难题。吉娜要我让你知道。

Elvin: What? 什么?

Mary: She promised that we'd be ready to start tracking the Stars.com web site by the end of next week. 她承诺我们会在下星期结束之前,准备好开始监控 Stars.com 的网站流量。

Elvin: What!? It'll be a miracle if we're ready by the end of the month! Is she crazy? 什么!?我们在月底前能准备好就是奇迹了!她疯了不成?

Mary: Yes, I think she is just a little bit crazy. 对,我觉得她是有点疯。

Elvin: Crazy is too kind. Insane is more like it. Nuts! Wacko! Psycho! 疯这个字还太仁慈。说是丧心病狂还差不多。神经病!怪胎!心理变态!

Dave: Hi, Zina. Lots of people are looking for you. 嗨,吉娜。很多人在找你。
Zina: Like who? 好比是谁?

Dave: Like Elvin. He isn't too happy about what you promised Stars.com. 好比艾文。他对于你给Stars.com的承诺不太满意。

Zina: I've got it under control. 这在我的控制之下。

Dave: You do realize that it isn't humanly possible for us to finish by next week? 你知道要我们在下星期前就绪,这非人所能及吧?

Zina: What if you had three more top-notch programmers to help you? 要是多了三名顶尖的程序设计师帮你们呢?

Dave: That would definitely make a difference. But Vince already said no. 那当然就大大的不同了。不过文斯已经说“不”了。