第 2 课: 你是怎么算薪水的?

Zina: How do you get paid? If you don't mind my asking. 你是怎么算薪水的?若你不介意我问的话。

Dave: Not cash. But if our launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time. 不是现金。但要是我们上市的情况很好,我的股票期权可就值大钱了。

Zina: And in the meantime, how do you pay the rent? 那这段期间你要怎么付房租?

Dave: I don't have to worry about rent. I live right here. 我不用担心房租。我就住在这里。

Zina: What? In your cubicle? 什么?在你的隔间里?

Dave: Right here. Me and my PC. Home sweet home. 就在这。我和我的个人电脑。甜蜜的家庭。

Zina: Hi, boss. You wanted to see me? 嗨,老板。你说要见我?

Vince: Zina. Look, I know when I hired you, I told you I'd pay you a salary. But I just can't. 吉娜。听着,我知道当我雇用你之时,我说过会付你薪水。可是我没办法。

Zina: Excuse me? I hope I didn't just hear what I think I just heard. 你说什么?我希望我不是真的听到我以为我听到的。

Vince: I know it's awkward, but you're going to be thanking me later. I'm going to make you rich. 我知道这说来尴尬,不过你以后会感谢我的。我会让你发财。
Zina: You're going to make me rich by not paying me? 你要用不给我薪水的方法让我发财?