第 4 课:我开了一整晚夜车

Zina: Dave, wake up. 戴夫,醒醒。

Dave: Whaah? Zina? What time is it? 啊?吉娜?现在几点了?

Zina: It's seven-thirty. I want to know who left this note on my desk. 七点半。我要知道是谁在我桌上留了这张纸条。

Dave: What note? I can't see. I just pulled an all-nighter. 什么纸条?我看不到。我开了一整晚夜车。

Zina: It's a little green post-it note, stuck right in the middle of my computer screen. 是小张的绿色便利贴,就粘在我电脑屏幕的中间。

Dave: And? What does it say? Isn't there a name? 然后呢?上面写着什么?没有名字吗?

Zina: It says, Zina, I like how you rhumba. An admirer. 上面写着:“吉娜,我喜欢你跳伦巴的样子。仰慕者。”

Dave: Whoa. Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer. 哇。这会我可醒了!吉娜有暗恋者了。

Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some lovesick computer geek. 我真的没时间去应付爱昏了头的电脑怪胎。

Dave: I know what you mean. I can't stand computer geeks. 我知道你的意思。我也受不了电脑怪胎。

Zina: Sorry, Dave, I didn't mean you. I am just not in the mood for this. I have work to do. 抱歉,戴夫,我不是说你。我只是没心情搞这玩意儿。我还有工作要做。

Dave: Who do you think it is? 你觉得是谁?