第 1 课: That almost slipped my mind. 我差点忘了。

A: Hey, Jen! How was your flight? 嘿,珍!搭这趟飞机还顺利吧?

B: Long, but smooth. I'm glad to be in L.A. 飞了好久,但还算平稳。真高兴到了洛杉矶。(开心)

A: Don't forget to get me that Lakers jersey I told you about. 别忘了我要你帮忙买的湖人队球衣。

B: That almost slipped my mind. 我差点忘了。

A: It's the one I showed you online. 就是我在网络上给你看的那件。

B: Like I remember... 你以为我会记得啊……

A: You will when you see it. And I want an extra-large. 你看到就会想起来了。我要特大号。

B: OK. I'll try my best to find it. But no guarantees... 好吧。我尽量找。但不打包票……

A: You're not allowed to come back without it! 没买到不准回来!

B: OK, OK. Are you writing from work? 好啦,好啦。你是从公司发ICQ吗?

A: I'm at the new cyber cafe downstairs. 我在楼下那间新网吧。

B: The one on the first floor of our apartment building? 我们那栋大厦一楼那间吗?

A: That's the one. And it's caused a lot of uproar so far. : (就是那间。而且它已经闹得满城风雨了。(不高兴)

B: Why's that? 怎么说?

A: There are all these teenagers loitering around outside. 有一大帮青少年在外头晃来晃去。

B: Great. That's just what we need—noisy teenagers. 太好了。那正是我们需要的——吵死人的青少年。