第 11 课: You read my mind... 我们真是心有灵犀

B: That's why I think moving is the best solution. Mucha is nicer anyway. 所以我觉得搬家才是治本之道。反正木栅也比较好。

A: I know. I just dread the thought of moving. It's such a pain in the butt. 我知道。只是我一想到搬家就怕。搬家真是麻烦。

B: We've been talking about it for a year. We should get "OFF" our butts and just do it! 我们已经说了一年了。我们该停止坐而言,开始起而行了!

A: You're right. Oh, geez! There they go again--the drilling! 你说得对。喔,天啊!他们又开始了——钻孔的声音!

B: I'll start looking tomorrow. 我明天就开始找房子。

A: And let's find out all about the neighbors before we move in this time. 这一次,我们先搞清楚邻居后再搬进去。

B: You read my mind... 我们真是心有灵犀……

A: I've been on the phone for hours. I think my ear's going to fall off. 我已经讲了好几个小时的电话了。我想我的耳朵快掉下来了。

B: Did you let everyone know what to bring? 妳有让大家都知道要带什么吗?

A: Yeah. Carol's bringing a vegetable, and Ted's getting the drinks. 有。卡萝要带一道蔬菜,还有泰德要带饮料。

B: I told Taylor to bring some kind of dessert. 我告诉泰勒要带一些点心来。

A: The others will bring some Chinese dishes and some dim sum. 其它人会带一些中国菜和中式点心来。

B: Sounds like a party! 这派对听来挺像一回事的!