第 12 课: I can live with that. 我可以接受。

Wei: Guys, this is Gary. 各位,这是加里。

Gary: Hi, everyone! Nice to meet you. 大家好!很高兴认识你们。

Wei: Gary has been traveling through America and Canada for over three months now. 加里已经在美国跟加拿大旅行三个多月了。

Gary: It's been too much fun! One of the best times of my life! 实在是太好玩了!这是我一生中最美好的时光!

Wei: By the way, Gary says he can play cards with the best sharks around. 对了,加里说他跟打牌高手过招都不怕。

Gary: Well, I do have lots of experience... at winning, that is! 嗯,我是有很多经验啦……在赢的方面!

Trev: Well, well, well...a trash talker! Welcome. 喔,这样啊……口气不小嘛。欢迎。

Gary: Thanks. I love playing cards to pass the time. What game does everyone want to play? 谢谢。我喜欢玩牌消磨时间。大家想玩什么?

Trev: How about poker? But under house rules... 梭哈怎么样?不过得照我们的规则……

Gary: I can live with that. So, should we play five-card stud to start? 我可以接受。所以,我们先玩5-card stud?

Trev: Umm, Wei hasn't played much poker. Let's play some easier poker games. Maybe five-card draw will be best. 嗯,小薇不太会玩梭哈。我们玩点儿简单的梭哈吧。或许5-card draw是最适合的。

Gary: "Hao!" I can play them all! Who wants to deal first? ‘好!’我都会玩!谁要先发牌?