第 2 课: Did something else happen? 发生什么事了吗?

A: They're so loud. And they smoke and yell. I bet they'll start getting into fights soon, too. 他们好吵。还一边抽烟、一边叫嚣。我看他们很快就要打起来了。

B: Then we might want to start looking for another place to live. 看来我们得开始找别的地方住了。

A: We might not have to. A couple of our neighbors have called the police to complain. 或许不必。一些邻居已经打电话找警察抱怨了。

B: Good. Maybe the cops will clamp down on them. 太好了。或许警察会来取缔他们。

A: Yeah. Or this place might be forced to close. But it's kind of convenient though. 对啊。或许这地方会被迫停业。虽然它其实还蛮方便的。

A: Hey! Did you get my jersey??? 嘿!有没有买到我要的球衣???

B: Not yet. But I'll have other chances to look.还没。但我还有机会去找。

A: This cyber cafe is really worrying me.我蛮担心这家网吧的。

B: Why? Did something else happen? 怎么?发生什么事了吗?

A: No, but the neighbors are making me worry. They said that there's more crime in areas with cyber cafes. 没有,但邻居让我感到担心。他们说网吧附近的犯罪事件比较多。

B: That makes sense. Young guys always fight over money. 有道理。青少年总是为钱打架。

A: That's right. And apparently a lot of people get cheated out of their money online. 对啊。而且似乎有很多人在网络上被骗钱。

B: Great. Those are not the kind of people I want hanging around our building. 这下好了。我可不想在我们的大楼里跟那种人打交道。

A: Me, neither. I feel like an old fogy here. 我也不想。我觉得自己在这儿像个老头。

B: It's amazing, isn't it? There are people that are less mature than you! 真是不可思议,不是吗?竟然有人比你更不成熟!

A: Thanks, Jen. But on a serious note, a lot of students are addicted to these games—especially CS. 多谢(你的讽刺)了,简。但说正经的,一大堆学生沉迷在线游戏——尤其是《绝对武力》。