第 23 课: Do I have to take them? 我一定要吃下去吗?

Lily: I'm done. Can I watch TV? 我泡好了。可以看电视吗?

Mom: Here's some water. Take these multi-vitamins and Tylenol. 这里有一杯水。把这些综合维他命和退烧药吃下去。

Lily: [Trying to swallow] Uh! I can't swallow them, Mom! (用力吞)呃!妈,我吞不下去!

Mom: Your throat must be swollen. 你的喉咙一定肿起来了。

Lily: Do I have to take them? 我一定要吃下去吗?

Mom: Here, I'll break them up, so they're smaller. And here's some cough syrup. 来,我把它们弄碎,就比较小颗了。还要喝这些咳嗽糖浆。

Lily: [Swallows] Yuck! (吞下)啐!

Mom: I know, it tastes horrible. But it'll make you feel better. Try holding your nose. It won't taste as bad. 我知道很难喝。但是它会让你舒服一点。试着捏住鼻子。就不会那么难喝了。

Lily: Mom! 妈!

Mom: [Goes into Lily's room] What are you doing? (走进莉莉的房间)你在干嘛?

Lily: I'm playing with my new jump rope! Watch this! [jumps around] 我在玩新买的跳绳!你看喔!(跳来跳去)

Mom: You are sick, young lady. Get back in bed! I called you in sick today, so you're going to lie down and fight that flu! 你生病了,小姐。躺回床上!我打电话帮你请病假了,所以你要好好躺着,对抗感冒!

Lily: But I feel better. 但我觉得好多了。

Mom: Then maybe you should go to school. If you're feeling so much better, you'll ace that English test, right? 那或许你该上学了。如果你的病已经好这么多,你的英文应该会考得不错,对吧?

Lily: OK. I get it. I'm getting back into bed... 好啦。我知道了。我会躺回床上……