第 3 课: You saw a movie star! 你看到电影明星了!

A: I heard that some kids play the whole day away. 我听说有些孩子一打就是一天。

B: Seems like it. The same people seem to be here every day. 看来的确如此。每天在这儿的都是些老面孔。

A: And they lose touch with the real world. They become antisocial. 他们跟现实世界脱节。变得不善交际。

B: There's this one middle-aged guy who's always here. 有个中年男子老是在这儿。

A: He probably has a wife and kid that he's neglecting, too. 说不定他还抛家弃子呢。

B: And then there are the pervs... 此外,还有些变态……

A: Watch out, Billy. The perviness might rub off on you. 小心喔,比利。你说不定会染上‘变态因子’。

A: Guess what? 你猜怎么着?

B: You saw a movie star! 你看到电影明星了!

A: No. I got your jersey! And I bought some other stuff... 不对。我买到你要的球衣了!我还买了些其它东西……

B: Cool! Thanks, Jen. 酷!简,多谢你了。

A: Too bad you don't have a web cam, or I could show you what I got! 真可惜你没有网络摄影机,不然我就可以让你看看我买的东西!

B: Who says I don't. Give me five minutes, and I'll get one. They have them with some seats here. 谁说我没有。等我五分钟,我就弄一台来。他们有些座位有网络摄影机。

A: OK. See you in five. 好。五分钟后见。