Unit 100 教导

How should I do it? 我该怎么做呢?

This is the way you should do it. 你该这么做。

It'll do the trick. 这样的话就会很顺利。

This looks better. 这样看上去好一些。

I'll do it my own way. 我用自己的办法做。

Like this? 像这样?

Like what? 像什么?

It's easy. 很简单。

Just like that! 简单得不得了。

It's a little hard. 有点儿难哦。

It's complicated. 很复杂哦。

This is the first thing to do. 首先应该做这个。

You dropped this. 你掉了这个。

I think you dropped this. 我想这是你丢的吧!

Is this yours? 这是你的吗?

Isn't this yours? 这不是你的吗?

It's mine. 是我的。

I've lost my wallet. 我的钱包丢了。

I'm in trouble! 这下可麻烦了。