Unit 109 吐露秘密

As a matter of fact, ... 说实话……

Don't tell anyone. 别告诉任何人。

I have a confession. 我有件事要坦白。

I have a secret. 我有一个秘密。

I'll fill you in. 我把一切告诉你。

I'll level with you. 我就直说吧。

That is about all I know. 我知道的大概就是这些。

This is just between you and me. 我们私下里说。

It's a secret. 这是一个秘密。

Let me tell you a secret. 我告诉你一个秘密。

He can't keep a secret. 他不能保守秘密。

You've got a big mouth! 你的嘴不严。

I don't have the guts to say that to my boss. 我不敢对我的老板说。

A little bird told me. 听小道消息说。

I didn't say anything. 我什么都没说。

It was a slip of the tongue. 无意中说漏了嘴。

I won't say a word. 我一个字都不说出去。

I promise. 我保证。

I can't promise. 我不能保证。

Will do. 一定。

I swear. 我发誓。

Trust me. 请相信我。

A promise is a promise! 说到就得做到。