Unit 122 言归于好

Calm down. 镇静些。

Take it easy. 别紧张。

Don't get so uptight. 何必当真了呢。

Don't be so stiff. 放松点儿。

Kick back! 放松点儿。

Take your time. 不用着急。

There's no need to rush. 别急。

Let's make up. 我们和好吧!

Did you make up? 和好了吗?

Stop fighting! 别打了!

Can't we talk it over? 我们就不能好好谈谈吗?

Try to get along. 你俩要好好相处。

Let's forgive and forget! 过去的事就让它过去吧。

You've got me. 糟了,让你逮着了。

I've beaten you. 你输了。

I didn't mean to hurt you. 我无意伤害你。

I missed you. 我很想念你。

I get lonely easily. 我是个容易感到寂寞的人。

Can't you patch things up? 你们就不能和好吗?