Unit 141 在飞机上

What would you like to drink? 您想喝点儿什么?

Coffee, please. 请来一杯咖啡。

With sugar and cream? 要加牛奶和糖吗?

What would you like for dinner, beef or fish? 午餐您要牛肉还是要鱼?

Beef, please. 请给我牛肉。

Have you finished? 您用完了吗?

No, not yet. 还没有。

May I clear the table? 我可以收走了吗?

Clear the table, please. 请您收拾一下桌子吧。

Can I have some water? 您能给我杯水吗?

Can I have something to drink? 能给我点儿喝的吗?

A blanket, please. 请给我一条毯子。

I feel cold/ hot. 我觉得冷/热。

I feel sick. 我觉得恶心。

Can I have some medicine? 能给我点儿药吗?

Could you tell me how to fill out this form? 您能告诉我怎么填这张表吗?