Unit 166 失窃、呼救

Call the police! 叫警察!

I had my bag stolen. 我的包被偷了。

Who should I report it to? 我该告诉谁?

Where is the Lost and Found? 失物招领处在哪儿?

What kind of bag? 什么样的包?

What was in it? 里面都有什么?

How much was in it? 里面有多少钱?

We'll call you if we find it. 我们找到后会跟你联系的。

Could you fill out this form? 您能填一下儿这张表吗?

Please give me a report on the theft. 请您写一下被盗经过。

Where is the Japanese Embassy? 日本大使馆在哪儿?

I lost my passport. 我的护照丢了。

Does anyone here speak Japanese? 这儿有会说日语的人吗?

Can I get it reissued? 能补发一本吗?

Please cancel my card number. 请取消我的卡号。

What should I do? 我该怎么办?

It's an emergency! 十万火急!

Please call a doctor. 快叫大夫!

Help! 救命啊!

Thief! 小偷!