Unit 27 结婚

Will you marry me ? 愿意和我结婚吗?

I don't want to get engaged yet. 我还不想订婚。

I don't want to get married yet. 我还不想结婚。

I haven't thought about marriage yet. 结婚,我还没想过呢。

I love you but I can't marry you. 我爱你,可是不能和你结婚。

I hesitate to marry her. 我还下不了决心和她结婚。

He's a newlywed. 他刚刚结婚。

How's (your) married life? 婚后生活怎么样?

We're happy together now.我们俩都感到很幸福。

I love my wife. 我很爱我的妻子。

We're two of a kind. 我们夫妻俩性格相似。

We're a well-matched couple. 我们俩很般配。

I'm a family-centered person. 我是个顾家的人。

She wants to start a family. 她想要个孩子。

I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了。

What did she have? 怀的是男孩还是女孩?

We can work it out. 问题总会解决的。

I think of my wife first. 我首先想到的是我妻子。

We (as a husband and a wife) don't have any fights. 我们夫妻从不吵架。

Family man. 拖家带口的人。