Unit 41 无法接电话

Her line is busy now. 她正在接电话。

I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment. 对不起,她现在脱不开身。

I'm sorry, she has company at this time. 对不起,她正在接待客人。

Would you like to hold? 您等会儿行吗?

He's away from his desk now. 他现在不在座位上。

He's in but he's not at his desk right now. 他在公司,但现在不在座位上。

I'm sorry, he's not in right now. 对不起,他出去了。

When is he coming back? 他什么时候能回来?

He should be back in ten minutes. 他大概10分钟后回来。

He should be back in the office next week. 他应该下个星期来上班。

He's on vacation until next week. 他休假到下个星期。

He called in sick today. 他打电话来说病了。

He's out of town now. 他现在出差去了。

He's out to lunch now. 他现在吃午饭去了。

He's in a meeting right now. 他现在正在开会。

He's off today.他今天休息。