Unit 78 提醒-3

Follow the rules. 要遵守规则。

Stop goofing off! 别偷懒!

Do as I said! 照我说的做!

Don't say bad things about others. 不要说别人的坏话。

Don't go back on your word! 别食言。

Don't take on more than you can. 做你能做的。

Don't be rude! 别那么粗鲁!

You're fired! 你被开除了。

Be a man! 你得像个男子汉!

Don't talk boastfully. 别自吹自擂。

Please don't disappoint me. 请别让我失望。

Don't flirt with girls/ boys! 别挑逗女孩/男孩!

Don't complain and do as you are told. 别抱怨,叫你怎么做,就怎么做。

Make it snappy! 干脆点!(赶快!)

Step on it! 麻利点!/利索点!