第 1 课: It's always good to plan ahead. 预先计划总是件好事

Dad: It's bedtime, sugar. What are you still doing up? 该睡觉了,甜心。你还不睡觉在干嘛?

Susie: Reading about how tadpoles grow into frogs. Tad's tail will start shrinking soon. 在阅读蝌蚪怎么变成青蛙的资料。泰德的尾巴很快就要变小了。

Dad: Isn't it fun? It's fun watching you grow, too. You teach us so much... 那不是很有趣吗?看着你长大也很有趣。你教了我们很多……

Susie: I do? You can learn from me? 我有吗?你们会从我身上学到东西?

Dad: Of course. Parents learn so much about life from raising their kids. 当然。父母在扶养小孩的过程中,可以学到很多人生的道理。

Susie: Then I want to have ten kids when I grow up! 那我长大要生十个小孩!

Dad: Whoa there, Sue...just concentrate on raising your tadpole for now... 喔,苏西……目前你还是专心顾好你的蝌蚪吧……

Susie: OK, OK. But when will he grow up? 好啦,好啦。但是它何时才会长大?

Dad: Have patience, honey. Patience is a virtue, remember. 亲爱的,有点耐心。记住,耐心是一种美德。

Susie: I know. I've already planned out where he's going to live when he turns into a frog. 我知道。我都已经计划好它变青蛙后,要让它住哪里了。

Dad: Good. It's always good to plan ahead. 很好。预先计划总是件好事。

Susie: I'm going to make a pond in the backyard where he can swim. 我要在后院做个池子让它游泳。

Dad: Did you forget that if you're going to dig holes in the yard, you might want to ask your father first? 你是否忘了如果你要在后院挖洞,或许应该先问一声你的爸爸?