第 14 课: What's that noise? 什么东西那么吵?

Trev: Where are we? What's that noise? 我们在哪?什么东西那么吵?

Paul: This is Niagara Falls, Ontario! One of the “Seven Natural Wonders of the World”. 这是安大略省的尼加拉大瀑布! ‘世界七大奇景’之一。

Trev: Yeeh-aah! Very amazing! So powerful--getting rained on in the car! 耶!真是惊人!真有力量——我在车里都被淋到了!

Paul: It's an awesome sight! You can see the American Falls over there. It's smaller but still very beautiful. 这是个很棒的景点!往那看,就可以看到美国瀑布。它比较小,但依然很美。

Trev: Look at that boat at the bottom of the Falls! Does it have a death wish? 你们看瀑布底的那艘小船!他们找死啊?

Paul: That's the “Maid of the Mist” tour boat. It'll soak you if you go on it!那是 ‘雾中少女号’游轮。如果你若搭上它,就会被淋湿!

Trev: I'll bet! OK...let's go for it! 一定的!好吧……那我们就去搭吧!

Wei: This elevator is so scary! But the view is wonderful! 这个电梯好恐怖!但景色好美!

Paul: Presently, this is the world's tallest free-standing tower. It takes fifty-eight seconds to reach the first level. 目前,这是世界上最高的独立式塔。电梯上升到第一个楼层,要花五十八秒。

Wei: [Stepping out] Whew. That was something! (走出电梯)咻。那真是了不起!

Paul: Come over here, Wei. Keep your eyes on the ceiling...now look down! 过来,小薇。先盯着天花板……现在往下看!

Wei: AHH! Oh my god!! Uh!! A glass floor!! That's terrifying! 啊!天啊!!啊!!是玻璃的地板!!真恐怖!

Paul: Cool, eh? See all that below? There's so much down there you haven't seen yet! 很酷吧?看到底下的所有东西没?下面还有好多东西你还没见识过呢!