第 29 课: I guess it runs in the family. 我猜这是家族遗传吧

Faye: So when we want to cook, we should take everything out at once! 所以当我们要煮东西时,应该要一次拿出所有需要的东西!

Granny: And when you come home from the store, put everything in together. 而当你从商店买东西回来时,要一次把所有东西放进冰箱。

Faye: I know. And I should take baths instead of showers. 我知道。还有我应该要用盆浴,而非淋浴。

Granny: Yes. And turn the faucet off when you're brushing. 是的。而且刷牙时要关掉水龙头。

Faye: Right. And don't leave the water running when washing dishes. 没错。还有洗碗时,不要让水一直流。

Granny: You're a quick learner. You've got a good head on your shoulders. 你学得很快。你真聪明。

Faye: Well, I guess it runs in the family. 嗯,我猜这是家族遗传吧。

Granny: Yes, it does. Could you pass me the scissors, angel? 的确是。你可以把剪刀递给我吗,小天使?

Faye: What are you going to do? 你要做什么?

Granny: Cut out coupons. It's an old-fashioned way to save. 剪折价券。这是老式的省钱方法。

Faye: Cool! There's a coupon for the movies! And one's for pizza! 酷!这儿有张电影院的折价券耶!还有比萨的!

Granny: Right. See this pile? That'll save me one hundred bucks this month! 对啊。看到这迭了吗?我这个月靠这些可以省下一百美元呢!

Faye: Wow! Where did you get them all? 哇!你从哪儿弄来的?

Granny: Newspaper, magazines, flyers, the phone book...see? Come and help! 从报纸、杂志、广告传单、电话簿……看到了吗?来帮忙吧!