第 3 课: I do. 我愿意

Bryan: Hey there, good-looking. That Chinese dress is too sexy. 嘿,美女。那件旗袍真是太性感了。

Yi-jun: Should I not wear it then? Maybe it takes away from Cath's dress. 那我是不是不该穿这件?或许这会抢走卡西服装的丰采。

Bryan: No, it's just right. Are we off? 不会,这衣服刚刚好。我们要走了吗?

Yi-jun: Sure. I'm a little nervous, though—this being my first American wedding and all. 好呀。不过我有点紧张——毕竟这是我第一次参加美式婚礼。

Bryan: Just don't cry on me, and we'll have a great time. 只要别对我哭就好了,我们会玩得很愉快。

Yi-jun: Deal. But you have to tell me what's going on. 一言为定。但是你要随时告诉我每个状况。

Yi-jun: I didn't know what to tell the usher. Are we with the bride or the groom? 我不知道该跟接待怎么说。我们是属于女方还是男方?

Bryan: Both, just like you said. 两方都是,就像你刚说的一样。

Yi-jun: There's Rich up front. Taylor's there, too. Hey, what's that music? 李奇在最前面。泰勒也在那里。嘿,那是什么音乐?

Bryan: We got here just in time. That's the Wedding March—the bride's entrance music. 我们来得刚刚好。那是结婚进行曲——新娘进场的音乐。

Yi-jun: Look at Holly! She's gorgeous. And Cath—she's...lovely. On her dad's arm. 看看荷莉!她好美。还有卡西——她……好娇媚。挽着她父亲的手臂。

Bryan: Yep. He's giving away the bride. 对呀。他正在把新娘交给新郎。

Minister: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony. If there is anyone who feels that this ceremony should not continue, please speak now... 亲爱的教友们,我们今日团聚在此,见证这两位进入神圣的婚姻关系。如果任何人觉得这个仪式不该继续,请现在提出……

Bryan: [To Yi-jun] I always hate that part. Who would do that? (对怡君)我一向很讨厌那段话。谁会这么做啊?

Minister: Then let us continue. Catherine Ella Jones, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part? 那就让我们继续吧。凯瑟琳埃拉琼斯,你愿意接受这位男士成为你合法的丈夫,永远保有与珍惜,无论生病或健康,至死不渝吗?

Cath: I do. [minister goes on to ask Rich the same] 我愿意。(牧师问李奇同样的问题)

Yi-jun: [To Bryan] This seems so serious. [Rich says "I do"] (对布莱恩)好庄严喔。(李奇回答‘我愿意。’)