第 31 课: What's that delicious aroma? 那种可口的香味是什么啊?

Jade: Hey, Chris! Thanks for inviting me to your house! 嘿,克里斯!谢谢你邀请我到你们家玩!

Chris: Come on in. Make yourself at home. Welcome to Greek-America! 进来吧。当作自己家,别客气。欢迎来到希腊式的美国!

Jade: Ha-ha, what do you mean by that? 哈哈,那是啥意思?

Chris: Well, if you look around, you'll notice signs of our "Greekness" everywhere. 嗯,如果你四处看一看,就会发现到处都有我们 ‘希腊特色’的象征。

Jade: You're right. It's really cool. 你说的对。真酷。

Chris: Actually, I think it's pretty kitschy, but you gotta love it. 实际上,我觉得这蛮俗气的,不过你会爱上它的。

Rula: Hello, darling. Welcome to our home! [gives her a big kiss] 哈啰,亲爱的。欢迎来到我们家!(用力亲她一下)

Jade: Oh, thanks for having me. I like what you're done here. 喔,谢谢你们邀请我来。我很喜欢你们家的布置。

Rula: Thank you. We like our home to be warm and welcoming. 谢谢。我希望这个家让人觉得很温暖、好客。

Jade: What's that delicious aroma? 那种可口的香味是什么啊?

Rula: Well, you didn't think we'd have you over and not feed you? 嗯,你该不会认为我们会邀请你来,却不喂饱你吧?

Jade: Actually, I already ate. But thanks anyway. I'll have to be going soon. 老实说,我已经吃过了。不过还是很谢谢你们。我一会儿就要走了。

Rula: Oh, dear. Like Chris' grandfather always says, "When you see a fight, you run; when you see food, you stay!" 喔,亲爱的。正如克里斯的爷爷常说的,‘看到有人打架,快闪人,看到有食物,就待着吧!’