第 49 课: I sent out a notice 我寄了一个通知

Jess: [Checking her e-mail] Did Bean send these dirty jokes to you, too? Look! (检查她的电子邮件)炳也有寄这些黄色笑话给你吗?你看!

Ann: What a creep! Phony good luck e-mails are one thing, but sexual harassment is crossing the line. 真是个烂人!骗人的幸运信是一回事,但性骚扰就太过分了。

Jess: No wonder he asked for my address first-he just wants to harass me! 怪不得他最早要我的邮件地址——他就是想骚扰我!

Ann: You could try using a spam filter to reject stuff that's obviously pornographic or anything else you don't want. 你可以用垃圾邮件过滤器,来拒收很明显的色情信,或其它你不想看的东西 。

James: You know that this afternoon's meeting is cancelled, right? 你知道今天下午的会议取消了吧?

Jess: Why am I always the last to know these things? 为什么我总是最后一个知道这些事情的人?

James: I sent out a notice. You've stopped checking your e-mail? 我寄了一个通知。你不检查电子邮件了吗?

Jess: No, but Bean did send me like a hundred forwards today. My mailbox must have been overflowing. 没有啊,不过炳今天转寄了大概一百封信给我。我的信箱一定爆掉了。

James: How obnoxious! I heard he was sending you dirty jokes. 真是讨人厌!我听说他还寄黄色笑话给你。

Jess: He not only sent me nasty e-mail, but he's so bored, he even asked me to search the Net for even more forwards for him! 他不只寄恶心的电子邮件给我,而且还超无聊的,他甚至要我上网找更多的转寄信给他!

James: He's only interested in harassing you. How can he expect us to have so much time to waste? 他只对骚扰你感兴趣。他怎么会以为我们有这么多闲工夫?

Jess: I almost want to send him a virus to shut his stupid computer down. 我差点想寄病毒给他,让他的蠢计算机开不了机。

James: As obnoxious as Bean is, we should still try to finish this case. 虽然炳这么讨厌,我们还是必须想办法结束这个案子。

Jess: True-well, do you have any forwards for me to send him? 对——不过,你有可以让我寄给他的转寄信吗?

James: Yeah! Remember that one about putting light bulbs in your mouth? 有啊!记得那个把电灯泡放进嘴巴里的信吗?