第 61 课: You could be right. 那也有可能

Mom: Well, you know how important a clean house is to your grandma. 你也知道奶奶有多重视房屋清洁。

Johnny: Yes, I hear about it every time she comes here. 知道,她每次来这里我都要听一遍。

Mom: She was the head janitor at St. Mary's Hospital for thirty years, after all. 毕竟她在圣玛利医院当了三十年的清洁工总管。

Johnny: I think she misses that job and wants to take it out on us. 我觉得她把对那份工作的怀念,全发泄到我们身上。

Mom: You know, maybe she's just a neat freak. 你知道吗,或许她只是有洁癖。

Johnny: I think she just likes to make us miserable. 我觉得她只是想折磨我们。

Mom: You could be right. 那也有可能。

Johnny: Grand Theft Auto Three is awesome! 《侠盗猎车手3》真赞!

Steve: It's more violent than TV news! 真是比电视新闻还暴力啊!

Johnny: What time is it anyway? 现在到底几点?

Steve: Nine-thirty. 九点半。

Johnny: Oh, my God, three hours already! I have to get the chores done! 天啊,已经过三小时了!我得赶紧把家事做完!

Steve: No time. That's their headlights in the window! 没时间了。他们的车头大灯已经照进窗户了!

Johnny: OK, emergency measures. Let's throw the dishes in the trash! Two birds with one stone... 好,紧急应变措施。我们把碗盘丢进垃圾堆!一举两得……

Steve: Little dude, your life is over! 小鬼,你死定了!

Johnny: No time to worry. We have to dispose of this evidence. 没时间担心了。我们必须湮灭证据。