第 7 课: Things change really quickly. 世事变幻无常。

Seth: So the marriage is dragging you down? Is it that bad? 是婚姻生活把你搞得这么累吗?有那么糟吗?

Whitney: No, it's the little bugger inside me that's wearing me down. 不是,是我肚子里的宝贝让我很累。

Seth: You're kidding! There's a bun in the oven already? 不会吧!你已经怀孕了?

Whitney: Yep. I'm three months pregnant. You would never have guessed, huh? 是啊。我怀孕三个月了。出乎意料之外,对吧?

Seth: Only a year ago you were on your way to doing a master's. 一年前你还在念硕士说。

Whitney: I know. Things change really quickly. 我知道。世事变幻无常。

Seth: Jim must be a charmer. Tell him to let me in on his secrets. 吉姆一定对女孩子很有一套。叫他传授我一些秘诀吧。

Ron: Hey all! How's the gang this year? Where's Billy? 嘿,各位!大伙儿今年如何啊?比利跑哪儿去了?

Jennifer: He's at the store. We're all anxious to hear about you, Ron. Are you a big boss now? 他去买东西。我们都很想知道你的消息,朗。你现在是大老板了吧?

Ron: That whole plan of starting my own company blew up right in my face. 打算自己开公司的计划,就这么在我眼前垮掉了。

Jennifer: By the look on your face, I'll guess it's a long story... 从你脸上的表情看来,我想这故事说来话长……

Ron: Yeah, one to be told after I've downed a couple of beers. I'm planning to take the civil service test now. 是呀,这就是我几杯啤酒下肚后要说的事。现在我准备要参加公职人员考试。

Jennifer: Well, that's very practical of you. 嗯,你这个决定蛮实际的。