第 72 课: She sounds incredible. 她听起来很了不起

Wen: Doesn't she have a talk show? 她不是有个脱口秀吗?

Nikki: Yeah. She owns it and produces other stuff, too. A lot of black entertainers get into business. She has O magazine, the Oxygen Network company, and a foundation that donates millions. 对。她拥有这节目,而且还制作其它东西。许多黑人艺人都涉足商业。她有《O》杂志、‘氧气’网络公司和一个捐款数百万元的基金会。

Wen: Whoa! She sounds incredible. 哇!她听起来很了不起!

Nikki: She's self-made and worth almost half a billion dollars. I'm waiting for her to run for president. 她白手起家,身价近五亿。我在等她竞选总统。

Wen: Sounds like she'd win. What about this spoof, Hollywood Shuffle? 听起来她会当选。那这部讽刺片《好莱坞骗局》又是什么?

Nikki: It's off the hook! It makes fun of blaxploitation films. 它超棒的!它拿黑人商业片来开玩笑。

Wen: What's blaxploitation? 什么是黑人商业片?

Nikki: It's the 1970's movies that made money off black stereotypes. 就是七○年代利用黑人刻板印象赚钱的电影。

Wen: Kinda like the Kung Fu movies? [Nikki nods] I'm so sick of people here asking me if I know karate. 有点像是功夫片?(妮琪点头)我受够这里的人问我会不会空手道了。

Nikki: It's the same stuff. It's bad ’cause it's a stereotype. But it's also good because back then, it was the only time we could see a black lead character. 都是同一回事。它糟是因为它是刻板印象。不过它也有好处,因为在过去,那是我们唯一能看到黑人主角的时候。

Wen: But that's not a problem now, though, right? 不过现在已经不成问题了,对吧?

Nikki: It's getting better. Just like we'd better get going. You're gonna be late. 情况愈来愈好了。就像我们最好要出发了。你会迟到的。

Wen: So, what's happening? What's this special event? 现在在干么?这是什么特别活动吗?

Nikki: That's a surprise, but first is the Black National Anthem. Then the first movie is Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. 那是个惊喜,不过首先是黑人国歌。然后第一部片是史帕克李的《为所应为》。

Wen: Wow! I had no idea there was a black national anthem. 哇!我不知道居然还有黑人国歌。

Nikki: Yeah. In July there's Independence Day for the U.S. But in June there's Juneteenth. It marks the end of slavery. We're celebrating both. 对啊。七月有美国独立纪念日。但在六月有奴隶解放日。它是纪念奴隶制的结束。我们现在就是同时在庆祝这两个节日。

Wen: Is the movie about Juneteenth? 这部片是关于奴隶解放日吗?

Nikki: No. But it mentions important black people like MLK and Malcolm X.