第 74 课: You're a little to blame for that 那多少该怪你

Yi-jun: Uncle Joe has to show me how to ride a horse! 阿乔叔叔一定要教我怎么骑马!

Holly: Sure thing, pardner. He's amazing on a horse. You'll see at the rodeo today. 当然的,伙伴。他骑马可是一流的。你今天在牛仔竞技会就会见识到了。

Yi-jun: Man, I'm glad I packed my SPF 30. 唉呀,真高兴我有带防晒系数三十的防晒油。

Holly: You'll need it. That and this cowboy hat should keep you from getting heat stroke. [hands to Yi-jun] 你一定会用到的。那个和这顶牛仔帽可以让你避免中暑。(递给怡君)

Yi-jun: Good to know. So, is Fourth of July a big holiday to you guys? 多谢告知。所以,七月四日对你们大家来说,是很盛大的节日啰?

Holly: Pretty much. It's our celebration of American freedom and patriotism. 是的。这是我们庆祝美国自由和爱国精神的庆典。

Yi-jun: Those aren't exactly words you hear people say every day. 这些话可不是平常会挂在嘴边的呢。

Taylor: That shower was great. I feel like I'm back from the dead! 刚刚淋浴真舒服。我觉得我活过来了!

Holly: Taylor, tell me finally why they kept you in the hospital? 泰勒,总算可以告诉我他们为什么把你留在医院了吧?

Taylor: You're a little to blame for that. You told the doctor I was in bad shape. 那多少该怪你。你跟医生说我健康有问题。

Holly: Well, you haven't exactly been looking your best lately. 呃,你最近看来气色真的不好。

Taylor: Thanks for the compliment. So the doctor kept me for observation. 多谢赞美了。所以医生就把我留下来观察。

Holly: What did they find? Is it serious? 他们有发现什么吗?严重吗?

Taylor: There I was lying in that cold room when Femi popped her head in. 当费咪探头进来时,我就躺在那个冷冰冰的房内。

Holly: Yeah, she saw us come in with you. 对,她看到我们跟你一起进去。