第 76 课: Look how high that horse is jumping! 看那匹马跳得多高啊

Yi-jun: I've seen that on TV! Guys try to stay on for eight seconds. Crazy! 我有在电视上看过!大家要设法骑上八秒钟。真疯狂!

Taylor: Yep, and even more dangerous than this-the bareback bronco event. Hey, that's Holly's uncle! 对呀,而且还有比这个更危险的——就是无鞍野马骑乘赛。嘿,那是荷莉的叔叔!

Yi-jun: Look how high that horse is jumping! It's even kicking up its back legs to get him off. 看那匹马跳得多高啊!它甚至踢起后腿要把他弄下来。

Taylor: That's called bucking. Hmm...why did they just put that bucket in the ring? 那叫做弯背跃起。嗯……他们为什么要把水桶放到竞技场内呢?

Yi-jun: Listen! They're asking for volunteers. Uh...why are they pointing at you and me? 你听!他们在找自愿者。嗯……为什么他们在指你跟我啊?

Taylor: Yee-haw! [to Holly] Hey, Holly, wanna watch me kick the bucket! 咦哈!(对荷莉)嘿,荷莉,想看我去踢水桶(找死)吗?

Taylor: Hey, guys, come here. Check out these old cars going by! They're choice! 嘿,大家,靠过来。看看这些开过去的老爷车!它们可都是一级棒的!

Yi-jun: Wow! There are floats, too. That one's covered in red, white and blue flowers. 哇!还有花车。那辆被红、白、蓝的花朵盖住了。

Taylor: See the girls waving American flags from the backseats of the cars? They're all beauty contestants or something... 看到在那些车辆后座挥美国国旗的女孩没?她们全都是选美佳丽之类的……

Yi-jun: Yeah? There's one in the throne on that float, too. Hah! I think she just blew you a kiss. 是喔?也有一位在那辆花车的宝座上。嘿!我想她刚给你一个飞吻耶。

Taylor: You must have something like this in Taiwan, too. 在台湾一定也有类似的活动吧。

Yi-jun: Ooh, it's really not the same. Everybody's in costume here. I mean, there's even cheerleading squads going by! 喔,情况可是大大不同呢。在这里大家都盛装打扮。我是说,甚至还有拉拉队经过耶!