第 9 课: You must have a green thumb. 你一定很有园艺天分。

Whitney: What's taking Amy so long? My cheese craving is killing me! 艾咪怎么那么久还没来?我想吃起司想到快发疯了!

Jennifer: Amy'll be here soon--if she can follow my directions... 艾咪马上就到了——如果她找得到我教她的路……

Whitney: Poor Amy, out of a job for a whole year. It must be hard on her. 可怜的艾咪,整整失业一年。她一定很不好过。

Jennifer: She had plastic surgery! If it didn't turn out right, remember to say
something nice anyway. 她去做整形手术了!如果做得不好,记得还是要说些好话给她听。
Whitney: How does she have money to have her face done if she's unemployed? 她失业怎么还会有钱去整形?

Jennifer: She thought it would change her luck and help her get a job. Let's just hope the knife was nice to her. 她觉得整形可以改运,帮她找到工作。我们只能期望她手术顺利。

Seth: Hey, Jen. This plant is cool. It's so big. You must have a green thumb. 嘿,阿花。这棵树好酷。养得好大。你一定很有园艺天分。

Jennifer: You don't remember it? You guys bought it for me last year for hosting our get-together. 你们不记得啦?这是去年我主办聚会时,你们买来送我的啊。

Seth: No way! It's grown that much? That sure goes to show how time passes. 不会吧!长那么大啦?真是岁月如梭啊。

Jennifer: Wait till we have kids. It'll be the same deal. And we'll all still be
friends. 等我们有小孩就知道了。看他们长大一样会觉得岁月催人老。而我们到那时都还会是朋友。

Seth: That's not in my near future, Jen. I need some time alone. 阿花,我近期内可不会有小孩。我需要一个人静一静。

Jennifer: Look how things have changed for everyone though. 不过,瞧瞧大家还真是改变了不少。