第 13 课:Schools 学校 - 1

What school do you go to? 你读什么学校?

I’m applying for law school. 我在申请读法律学校。

What’s your favourite subject? 你最喜欢什么科目?

What’s your major? 你的专业是什么?

I’m trying to decide what classes to take. 我在决定读什么课程。

What do you like about school? 你喜欢学校的什么?

I’d like to take modern business communications courses. 我想修现代管理和通信的课程。

I have lots of extra-curricular activities. 我参加很多课外活动。

When is the assignment due? 作业什么时候交?

I’d like to sign up for this course. 我想报名读这门课。

A: I’m trying to decide what school to apply for. 我在考虑申请哪一所学校。

B: Are you thinking about a public school or a private one? 是上公立学校还是私立学校?

A: I’m not sure. What’s the difference between them? 我也不知道。有什么区别?

B: Public schools are usually state funded, whereas private schools usually get their funding elsewhere. 公立学校通常是州政府投资办学,而私立学校通常是通过其他方式筹集资金。

A: Which is better? 那么哪一个更好呢?

B: One isn’t necessarily better than the other. It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers. 不是一所就比另外一所好。这跟学校的管理和师资有很大关系。

A: I hear you have to wear uniforms at private schools. 我听说私立学校要穿校服。

B: Yeah, sometimes. 是,有时候是这样。

A: What are you going to do for your year abroad, Tim? 你在国外的这一年打算做什么,提姆?

B: Study study study! I want to learn a lot. 学习学习再学习。我想多学点东西。