第 13 课:Schools 学校 - 2

A: You’re going to take courses? 你要上课?

B: Yes, I’m going to take some university courses there. 是的,我在那儿要修一些大学课程。

A: Sounds hard. 听起来很难哦。

B: Yes, but I think it’s probably for the best. 是很难,不过我想这样可能还好。

A: Won’t you get lonely? 你不会感到孤独吗?

B: Hey, I’m a pretty cool guy; I’ll make friends. And I’ll have a lot of extra-curricular activities too. You know, like fencing or theater or something. 嘿,我可是个不错的小伙子,我会交朋友的。而且我还会参加很多课外活动。你知道,象是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。

A: What’s your schedule like this year? 你今年的课程表进度怎么样?

B: Pretty busy. I have to pick up a lot of credits this year. 很紧。我今年要修很多学分。

A: What’s your major? 你学什么专业?

B: I’m majoring in French literature. 法国文学。

A: Oh, don’t you have to take that class on 18th century poetry? It’s really difficult. I hear the students in that class have to write a paper 100 pages long. 哦,你们不需要上关于18世纪的诗歌这门课吗?真的很难,我听说修这门课的学生要写100页的论文。

B: That’s right. We got the assignment last week. 对呀,这是我们上个星期布置的作业。

A: When is it due? 什么时候交?

B: Next Monday! 下星期一。

A: Remind me never to sign up for that course! 提醒我决不要选那门课。

There is much debate as to the best kind of education for students today. 当今,关于什么才是给予学生的最好的教育这个问题是有很大争议的。

Some think private schools are tops. A lot of money goes into these schools and the programs are usually of a high quality, yet the tuition fees are often more than the average person can afford. 有些人认为私立学校是首选。这些学校聚集了大批资金,因而通常有着较高的教学质量。然而学费却不是一般人能够支付得起的。

Others think that given a good administration and teachers who care, public schools can offer good educations as well. 另有些人则认为如果学校管理较好,老师也负责任的话,公立学校同样也能够提供良好的教育环境。

One problem is that classes in public schools tend to have many more students than private schools, and therefore individual attention can sometimes suffer. 问题之一是公立学校的班级人数往往比私立学校的多,因而,个人受注意的程度便会降低。

Generally, however, quality is based on the individual schools and student interests rather than whether the schools are publicly or privately funded. 然而,一般说来,质量跟各所学校各自的情况及学生的兴趣有关,而不是看学校到底是政府出资还是个人集资。