第 18 课:The Internet & Email 因特网和电子邮件- 3

B: For detailed information, however, you should read a history book. 可是,要查到详细的资料,你应该看看历史书。

A: Thanks. If I’m interested, I’ll go to the library. 谢谢。如果我感兴趣的话,我会去图书馆的。

A: I really want to go to China for vacation, but I can’t find a cheap plane ticket. 我想去中国度假,可是买不到价钱便宜的机票。

B: Have you tried the Internet? 你上网试过了吗?

A: No, not yet. Can you find a good price there? 不,还没有。你可以查到价钱合适的吗?

B: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom. 哇,妈妈,你还生活在石器时代。

A: Well, you don’t have to be mean. How do I do it? 你不要这么小气。我该怎么查找?

B: Go to yahoo.com and click on “Travel” and “Tickets.” They’ll be about a billion sites to look at. 上雅虎网站,点击“旅游”和 “车票”。就有成千上万的网站供你查找的。

A: O.K. Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find. 好了,谢谢。我找到了会告诉你的。

B: All right. 好的。

A: I’ll look for a ticket for you, too. Thanks. 我也会帮你看看票的。谢谢你。

The Internet has changed the way Americans do many things. 因特网改变了美国人做事的方式。

Increasingly, Americans use the Internet to shop, bank, keep in touch through email and chatting, get their news, and research topics of interest. 美国人越来越多地使用因特网购物、处理银行业务、用电子邮件和聊天的方式和别人保持联系,获得新闻,以及对感兴趣的题目做研究。

Websites such as ebay let them pursue hobbies such as coin or stamp collecting. 比如ebay这样的网站就可以使人们继续自己收集硬币或集邮的嗜好。

You can even get radio and television shows on the internet. Email is still the most common use of the internet, and its uses are growing everyday. 通过因特网你还可以收听和看电台电视节目。电子邮件也仍是人们使用因特网最普遍的用途之一,而且它的使用每天还在增加。

People joke that soon the only reason to leave your house will be to find a wife, since you’ll be able to do everything else over the Internet. 人们开玩笑说不久之后人们离家出走的唯一一个原因只可能是去寻求自己的另一半,因为除此之外其他一切都可以在网上进行。