第 23 课:Moving In 搬家- 1

There’s some more out at my parents’. 我父母家里还有一些。

Well, do you want to go get some dinner? 哦,你要不要买些东西当晚饭吃?

You should save some money on parking here. 你在这儿停车就可以省些钱了。

It’s a pain to find parking on the street. 在街上找停车的地方真是一件痛苦的事情。

Most of the street parking is gone by then. 那个时候街上大多数都没有停车的地方了。

I can live with it. 我可以应付得来。

Wow, you keep this place cold. 哇,你这个地方可真凉快。

It’s a small price to pay to be comfortable. 要生活得舒适一点,付这点钱不算什么。

It is nice to come in here after a run. 跑步完之后进来这里真是不错。

I could never get used to it, though. 可是我却不能习惯。

A: This is a nice place, but you need to get some furniture.这地方不错,可你得弄些家具。

B: I have some I can bring from our place, and there’s some more out at my parents’. 我住的地方可以搬一些过来,而且还有一些在我父母家里。

A: Do you have a bed?你有床吗?

B: Yeah. I have one from college at my parents’ house.有啊。我父母家有一张我大学时代就用过的床。

A: Can I take a shower?我可以洗个澡吗?

B: Sure, but I don’t have hot water, yet.当然可以,可以还没有热水。

A: Really?真的吗?

B: No, they’re coming tomorrow morning to turn the gas on. My phone should be working then, too.是呀,他们要明天才来帮我把煤气接上。电话也到时才可以用。

A: Well, do you want to go get some dinner?那么,你想去买些东西当晚餐吃吗?

B: Yeah, I can’t cook anything until tomorrow, anyway. 好的,得到明天才可以自己煮。