第 23 课:Moving In 搬家- 2

A: You should save some money on parking here.把车停在这儿可以省些钱。

B: Yeah, I don’t have to pay for a space on the street.是呀,我不用再付钱在街上找地方停车了。

A: Really? How long did it take you to find a spot yesterday?是吗?你昨天找地方(停车)兜了多久了?

B: Well, last night it took me half an hour to find a spot when I came home from work.哦,昨晚我下班回来的时候花了半小时才找到一个地方停车。

A: You get home late, don’t you?你很晚才回家,是吗?

B: Yeah, around seven. Most of the street parking is gone by then.是,差不多7点了。那个时候街上大都没有停车的地方了。

A: Ah, well. You can’t have everything.是,可是你不可能要求事事都完美。

B: Yeah. I can live with it. It’s great to be living alone.是呀。我可以应付的。一个人住很不错。

A: Wow, you keep this place cold.哇,你这个地方真够凉快的。

B: Yep. It’s cold in the summer, hot in the winter.是。冬暖夏凉。

A: Your electricity bills must be enormous.你的电费可不得了吧。

B: Yeah, well, it’s a small price to pay to be comfortable, in my mind.是呀,可是,我觉得要住得舒适这点钱不算什么。

A: It is nice to come in here after a run.跑步完进来这里真不赖。

B: Yeah. The central heating and air-conditioning works like a charm.是呀,中央冷暖系统简直妙不可言。

A: I usually don’t use it unless it gets really hot. I just open up some windows, and I’m fine.除了真的非常热我是不会用(空调)的。就把窗户打开,这样就很好了。

B: My friend’s family did the same thing. I could never get used to it, though.我朋友家里也是这样。可是我可不习惯。

Heating and air conditioning in the states is usually done by what it called central heating and air-conditioning. 在美国,供热和空调系统都是由中央(冷暖)系统来完成。

A heating unit in the basement of a house burns gas to heat air or water, which is then forced through the house or building to raise its temperature. 居于楼房地下室的一个供热装置通过燃烧气体释放热量来给水和空气加热,加热的水或空气则靠压力运送到楼房或大楼来提高它的温度。

An air-conditioning unit outside the house or building runs uses electricity to cool the air and then sends into the building through openings in the rooms of the buildings.室外的一个空调装置则使用电力将空气的温度下降,下降的空气通过房间的通道送往整栋大楼。

People have to pay, of course, for the electricity they use and the gas they burn to keep their homes at just the right temperature. 通过燃烧气体加热和电力降温使空气调整至合适的温度,这当然是要付费的。