第 27 课:Requirements 要求- 3

A: The tape player doesn’t work.磁带的放音装置坏了。

B: O.K. Do you have your receipt?好的,您有收据吗?

A: Yes, here you are.有,给你。

B: Thank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?谢谢。你是想拿回现金呢还是想换一件商品。

A: I think I’d like to just get another stereo, please.我想我还是换另一台音响。

B: O.K. Here’s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you.好的,这是我们商店退货单的单据。把它拿去音响部,售货员会帮您的。

A: Thanks a lot. 非常谢谢。

B: No problem. Thank you.不客气。谢谢你。

Manufacturers and stores in America will often take back things you buy if they don’t work properly.在美国,如果顾客购买的商品不能正常运转的话,生产厂家和商店通常会接收退货。

You usually need your receipt to take advantage of these offers. 要获得这项优惠必须有收据为证。

The store policies are usually better than the manufacturers. 商店提供的政策通常比厂家的更优惠。

They will often give you your money back if you decide you don’t like what you bought.如果你确实不满意自己购买的物品,商店通常会将你的钱退回。

American law requires that their return policies have to be posted in writing near the cash registers. 美国法律规定商店必须把退货条款书写在收银台的旁边。

Manufacturer’s warranties normally only cover problems that were built-in to their merchandise. 生产厂家的质量保证通常只涵盖其产品自身带来的问题。

Both the stores and manufactures offer to take back merchandise to make people feel comfortable about buying it. 为了使顾客对其购买的商品满意,生产厂家和商店双方都会接收顾客退货。

This is especially true of expensive items, such as electronics and cars. 对于价格较贵的货品如电器和小汽车来说,这种情况尤为如此。