第 4 课:Traveling 旅游 - 1

Where’s the nearest tourist information center? 最近的游客咨询中心在哪里?

What’s the best way to get to the museum? 去博物馆走哪条路最好?

What time does it close? 什么时候关门?

Can you recommend a good hotel? 你有没有好的旅馆可以推荐?

I’d like a window seat, please. 我想要一个靠窗的座位。

Is the flight leaving on time? 航班准点起飞吗?

What’s the gate number? 几号门?

What time are we boarding? 我们什么时候登机(船)?

Is there an entrance fee? 入口处要收费吗?

Do you have any information about the river cruise? 关于坐船游览是怎么样的?

A: Excuse me. 打扰一下。

B: Yes? 什么事?

A: Do you have any information about the city sights? 关于市区观光有没有信息可以提供?

B: Sure. There’s a lot here in this pamphlet. 当然有。这本小册子里面有很多介绍。

A: Thank you. And what’s the best way to get downtown? 谢谢。去商业中心怎么走最好?

B: Take the subway. It’s $1.50 per ride. You can buy a metro card at the station. 坐地铁。单程是1.5美元。你可以在地铁站买到地铁卡。

A: You’ve been very helpful. 你帮了我的大忙。

B: My pleasure. 很乐意为你服务。

A: Can I see your ticket please? 您的票呢?

B: Here you are. 给你。