第 6 课: Holidays 假期 - 1

What are you up to? 你去哪里?

I’m just going to take it easy. 我只想放松一下。

I have the day off. 我不用上班。

Do you have any plans? 你有何计划?

Can I check this book out? 这本书我可以借出吗?

Who is the author of that book? 那本书的作者是谁?

Do you have any books by this author? 你有没有这位作家写的书?

When is it due back? 什么时候归还?

It’s such an exquisite painting. 这幅画真是精品。

How much is it worth? 它值多少钱?

A: Hey, Ted. What are you up to this Friday? 嘿,特德。这个星期五你去哪里?

B: Well, I have the day off from work. 哦,我不用上班。

A: That’s great! Do you have any plans? 太棒了。有什么计划吗?

B: Well, I’ve been working so hard lately, so I’ll probably just take it easy. 哦,这段时间我一直拼命工作。我可能只想放松放松。

A: Sounds nice. 不错嘛!

B: Yeah, I’ll probably just stay in and relax. Maybe watch a few movies. 是呀,我可能就呆在家里轻松一下。可能看几场电影。

A: Can I stop by? 我顺道来玩一玩好吗?

B: Sure. Any time. 当然,随时欢迎。

A: Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗?

B: Yes, I’m doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject? 我在做一些关于罗马文明方面的研究,这方面有没有什么书?

A: These books over here are about ancient history. They might be helpful. 这里的这些书是关于古代历史的。可能有些帮助。