第 9 课:More American sporting activities 美式体育活动- 3

A: The people don’t really work out there. They just stand around and talk all the time. 那儿的根本不练习。他们只是站在一旁光滔滔不绝地说而已。

B: Oh, it’s one of those places. 哦,跟其他地方也一样。

A: Yeah, is your club different? 是呀,你们的那个俱乐部不同吧?

B: Well, they have different rooms. I lift weights by the pool where there aren’t so many people. 哦,那里有不同的房间。当人不多的时候,我会在泳池旁边举重。

A: Do they have a lot of equipment? 他们的设施是否齐全?

B: Yeah, they have all the machines, a pool, and a steam room and sauna. 是的,他们有各种各样的器械,一个泳池,一个蒸汽室和一个桑拿室。

A: Sounds nice. What about classes? 听起来还不错。那上什么课呢?

B; The usual. Aerobics, kickboxing, yoga. They just started a Tai Chi class too. 一般的课都上。有氧运动,跆拳道,瑜珈。还开了太极课呢。

A: Wow, that sounds great. 哇哦,真是不错。

B: Well, I have a guest pass. Why don’t you come with me tonight? 哦,我突然想到,你为何不今天和我一起去呢?

A: Really? Thanks. I’ll stop by when I get off work. 真的吗?谢谢了。我下班的时候会顺便来的。

B: Perfect. See you later. 好极了,到时候见。

A: O.K., see you. 好的,到时见。

Since it is played on ice, ice hockey is popular in Canada and the northern parts of the United States. 冰球在冰上举行,因而它在加拿大和美国的北部地方非常受欢迎。

It is a lot like soccer, but because it is played on ice skates and on a smaller playing area, it is much faster and more violent.它和足球又很多相似之处,但是由于是穿冰鞋进行而且场地范围更小,因此冰球(运动)速度更快也更为暴力。

For example, it is legal to force another player into the wall of the ice rink. This is called checking. 比如说,把对方球员逼入冰场的墙根是不犯规的,这就是称之为“阻挡”。

The offense uses a stick with a flat blade one end to try to put a small, hard, rubber disk, called the puck, into the defense’s net.进攻的一方使用一根一端为扁平击球板的棍子将一个橡胶制圆盘击入防守队员的网内,这个圆盘形状小,质地较硬,叫做“冰球”。

Professional hockey players can shoot the puck at over 100 miles per hour, so the goalies have to wear heavy pads and a hard plastic mask to prevent injuries. 职业的冰球手击球的速度达到每小时100英里,所以守门员必须身着沉重的衬垫、戴着硬塑胶的面具来避免受伤。

Hockey is a very exciting game to watch and play.冰球是一项供观赏和参与的非常刺激的运动。