Unit 17 ( coast - community )

[land on the edge of the ocean]
The storm caused high waves and flooding along much of the Atlantic coast.

[a drink made from the plant of the same name]
People in Seattle drink lots of coffee.

[(1) not warm; (2) having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature]
The water is too cold for swimming. (1)
This has been a cold winter, with much ice and snow. (2)

[(1) to bring or gather together in one place; (2) to demand and receive]
The driver collected the children after school and brought them home. (1)
Your employer collects taxes for the government every time you are paid. (2)

[a small university]
Have you decided where you will attend college?

[land controlled by another country or government]
Hong Kong is no longer a British colony.

[the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others]
I love the bright colors of the autumn leaves.

[to mix or bring together]
The new organization combines radio and television broadcasting.

[(1) to move toward; (2) to arrive]
Jan is coming home for the holidays. (1)
The two sides came together on a settlement after long and detailed negotiations. (2)

[(1) to order; (2) to have power over something]
The general commanded the army to move against the enemy. (1)
The President commands all the military forces. (2)

[(1) to say something about; (2) to express an opinion about something]
Mr. President, please comment about the increased number of terrorist attacks. (1)
He commented about the writers who criticized his new book. (2)

[a group of people given special work]
The committee met three times to decide who should get the special award.

[(1) usual; (2) same for all]
He liked to call himself a common man. (1)
The allies united for a common purpose: to win the war. (2)

[(1) to tell; (2) to give or exchange information]
The chairman communicated that he was not happy with the proposed agreement. (1)
Because we communicate well, we understand each other's situation. (2)

[a group of people living together in one place or area]
Our community includes people from many other countries.